My Year of Writing Dangerously

On the spur of one of my (increasingly rare) moments of inspiration, I decided that in order to maintain my artistic integrity, and because I can't keep calling myself a writer for much longer without actually WRITING something, I am going to write a poem a day for the next year. The first poem will be posted on August 10, 2010 and the last poem will be posted on August 10, 2011. (Unless, of course, I decide to keep going.) Not all of the poems will be good, and DEFINITELY not all of them will be interesting, but I will gaze around my kitchen, my living room, and Coming Home Cafe until something inspires me, then write a poem about it, as well as my random thoughts on the mundane things that no one notices, but which it is my goal to immortalize over the course of this year.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hello Again

I wrote this several months ago, then forgot to post it. For those who didn't already know I was a ditz.

Well. I failed. Technically speaking. I did not post a poem every day, I did not write 365 poems over the course of the year.

But I did write more poetry than I've ever written in my life over the past year, I've become a regular fixture of the local Vancouver Slam poetry scene (including a few wins,) and I've been invited to be a feature poet at a local event at the end of September.

So I'm calling this a success. For those of you who actually stuck with me, thank you for believing in me. I'm sorry if I've let you down.

So where to from now? I will change the name of the blog, and will post periodically. I hope some of you will continue to check in once and a while, because the thought of my work brightening someone's day (even for a moment) is a great source of joy for me.

Thank you so much for this year, I've grown so much as an artist because of the people who kept pestering me to write write write.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Blog (which is actually older)

I'm Reverting back to my old blog. It will be a combination of writing, musings, thoughts, and perhaps the occastional rant (which will hopefully be therapeutic for all.)
I hope you'll check it out.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Days 135-142 Sheer Panic

I'm starting to panic. I'm about 50% sure there's no chance in hell I'm going to get this done. But I'm not giving up yet.
-Incredible Machine-
My soul's ringing bell
echoes in my heart.

My mind's brightest thoughts
leak from out my hands.

My mouth's hardest truths
flame, in pride, in my ears.

My every living day
hopelessness restrains.

-Stuck Like Glue-
One two three
your hand to me.

Here right now
we make a vow.

This short life
forgets the strife.

Please say yes
we'd be the best.

I love you
will you love me too?

-Operation: Working Vacation-
Let's go
let's get a bottle of wine.

Right now
plane tickets to somewhere hot.

Get gone
train ride with a sleeper car.

No plan
just you and I and wings to fly.

Just think
all day, all night, all alone in a room.

Let's go
follow 'now' to the end of our life.

-The Constant Truth of Love-
What if we can't
live with each other?
What if we can't
last a moment alone?

What if we don't
let our hearts let us in?
What if we do?

What if we fight
about every nothing?
What if we scorn
such vivid communication?

What if we end
dark and damaged?
What if we last
forced to face the constant truth of love?

Is this how the songbird feels, when bright spring sets aglow the leaves in golden sun?
Does she see the world again after months of clouds and chaos and is she relieved by the first sign of light?
Is her frigid vigil cut short by the renaissance that resonates from the sky into the soil and up into her soul through the roots of her home?
Can she understand the cycle? Or does she think her first flight in the new spring is a betrayal of the life that came before?
What if she wishes for darkness and dread, for her world to be dead so that her silence has an excuse to exist?
And on that first warm day when the sun coaxes the cold to go away, does she pray for it to stay?
Is she able to imagine that any season could be as bright or dear as the year before and though her mind tells her to keep the solid silence, to respect the passèd life, does her voice disobey?
Is there some inner instinct that forces her to sing when the spring rises up from the frozen Earth?
When a force for joy as irresistible as a lonesome flower, refusing to be held down by cold, breaks through to her sight, how can she refuse to rejoice?

At the sight of a million shades of every colour, of a land birthed out of hell by hope, how could misery cope and keep a hold on that old bird, when her rebellious soul revolts and refuses to respect an agony so thick it licks at her like fire at a log?
But she will not burn.
She will throw her feathers wide and fly and her note will rent apart the ice inside her heart so that her mourning will end and her bright new day begin.
Is this how the songbird feels when her widow’s winter draws its final frozen breath and sets her free?

The time has come for us to part our road
to leave this place and find another home
we’ll follow those before us as we roam,
but also pave a course to find new mode.
These silken gowns obscure the coming phase:
charcoal shadows cast by future’s light.
What follows now seems blindly out of sight,
a hidden box that holds a million days.

So now we face our frightened plans and dreams
which feed our passions and remind us why
we want to find a cliff and leap to life
from off the edge. A brand new life’s great schemes
allow us opportunities to try
and find a happy future free of strife.

-The Lover, the Mother, and the Unscrupulous Brother-
An ode to my lover, a note from my
mother, a lesson for my most unscrupulous
brother. Time may be patient and seem to
be kind, but healing my wounds takes a lot
more than words here’s the truth of my feelings.

Dear you broke my dear heart when
I gave it to you and you turned from my
love and betrayed with my blood all the faith
that I had in our piece of forever.
You should have held loyal to tight binding chains
of the promises woven from your lips
to mine. But instead you chose him for your
arrows from Cupid and mine were torn out
leaving holes bleeding faith in a river
that leads to the circles of hell. If only
you had such a mind that could grasp all the
pain brought from words that he spewed
on the night when he wood you away.  
Perhaps that would lend you the wisdom to
see that your wounds on my soul run as deep
as the sea and because I can’t swim I
am breathing in water and swallowing death.

Woman who raised me then tore down again
all my dreams and my hopes for a life free
of pain. I’m sure you will find if your life
keeps its grip on its sanity happily
wading through memories, never has
anyone loved you like me. The curse of
Penelope settled inside of your
once tender heart but instead of her faith
in the spirit of he who you claim to
have loved you ignored the years past and you
cast off your grief like a rain sodden hat.
Then you wrote to your son and told him to
chase love and I lost my whole life to your
payment for all of the time that I spent
pouring tears down the drain in my sorrow
for he who deserted the vows that he
made on the day when he pledged you his life.
My man, my friend, we once were so close but
now we have nothing but years in between
us and just like the rest of our hate-ridden
clan what’s left of our blood bond will soon start
to fade. I’d found what I wanted a woman
I loved and could smell my own happiness
settling upon me like snow on the ground
in the winter which leads happy bears with
full bellies to drift off to bliss as they
sleep finding true rest for months at a time.
But then you came along with your heat and
your light and you melted the snow so my
world was soggy and suddenly fraught
with the trappings of frescoes unfinished
so angels lack halos which renders them
men. Here’s the cost of your pride: you are now
like your mother and brother abandoned.

I need to move on and be done with this
life in order to grieve and start over
again. So call this farewell you won’t see
me again. I’m leaving right now and just
like all our love I’ll fade into the dusk

I’ve never valued honesty
as much as other people do.
White lies have been
my habitual protection.
The jagged edge of sharpened truths
have left so many scars
on my once unruined tongue
as to render my speech useless.
And how, as a writer, can I do my work
when every word is forced to navigate
a labyrinth of white scar tissue
just to swim in air and ear.
But some lies are not dove white, they are raven black.
Black as night, black as hell, black as death,
black as the shadowed midnight corner where a woman is raped and a man is murdered and a little girl’s sweet life is torn to shreds by the hands that once held her and protected her and a little boy cowers because his grown up self can’t stand to be labelled a victim.
Is this what truth is supposed to feel like?
It didn’t the one time I scratched away the dark
with my bare hands until my nails broke and my fingers bled,
the one time I let that little boy in the dark corner step into the front and shout:
not merely “I’m alive,” but “I survived”
The one person I told,
not the parents who have always been my best friends,
but the girl who I’ve trusted with everything else.
Every part of my body and my soul,
but who practically scoffed at the revelation
I made for the first time in ten years.
“No!” I want to scream at her at the world,
it’s not “just” this, it’s not “merely” that.
It's the truth.

Day 134 - Haunted

I wrote this a while ago. It's dark. It's incredibly dark. But there is it.

-Humanity's Remains-
I hear the sound
of a thousand tortured cries.
I hear the sound
of a thousand torrid taunts.

The Earth is bleeding innocence
from deep wounds cut by evil.
Its exposed heart beats
and I feel mine break.

I hear the sound
of a child's neck snap.
I hear the sound
of a taut and swaying cord.

Vomit rises to my throat
the putrid bile burns.
The world's guts are seeping out,
infected to the core.

I do not understand
It can't be understood.
It defies nature
for any soul to be so corrupted.
It defies nature
for a child to witness this,
to be eviscerated by this,
to create this wretched beast
and inflict in on another.

Perhaps it starts with envy
that cancer of the soul.
Perhaps it fuels hatred,
spite, and rage,
which propel furthur torment.

I hear the sound
of a bullet crunch a skull.
I hear the sound
of a body, torn to meat.

I hear the world split to shreds,
each scrap soaked in blood,
and strewn with pulverised flesh.

Humanity's remains.
Filled with promise,
pure with youth.

They never had a chance.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 133 - Happy Birthday

More gratitude with every passing year
for a man with always an open ear.

So many walkings and stories you’ve told.
So many moments and memories we’ve shared.

Here’s to a hero who for thanks never asks.
An angel guarded childhood, performs a million tasks.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 114-132 Teachers

-Mrs McGhee-
I, side proposition,
present three main contentions.

First, you filled my brain
with history’s sordid truths.
To light this world’s flaws
and show me what to change

Second, you equipped my mind
to sharpen thoughts on written stones
and fire them in all directions
no matter whom you fear to strike

Third, you freed my head.
Made sure I knew to laugh,
and share a meal with friends
despite the overwhelming ills.

To conclude, you ignited my soul
to burn with passion for change.
I vow to honour you and your efforts
by spreading your knowledge and wisdom beyond.

-Mr Janz-
I will always miss our afternoons,
chats about the literary greats.
It was as if they sat in the room
such insights did you share.

Speaking of books,
how many have  you recommended
that I have grown to cherish as favourites?
An enslaved negro woman hitchhiking across     the universe to find a racing dog.

Speaking of passion,
(there, that one’s more your style)
you’ve nourished my adoration
for the read and written word.
My academic and creative minds
have grown while in your care.
So as I segueway to the rest of life
I can’t forget to thank you
for showing me the way to knowledge.

I thought I had a voice
but it was of another kind.

My admiration holds no bounds
for the beauty of a note.
They’ve always been just shapes upon a page
just dark ink bled on paper.

But now I don’t just hear the voice of God
I finally join the chorus
and it’s you I have to thank.

So thank you
for making me a songbird,
singing in the rain that
you’re nobody till somebody shows you
all you need is a song.

-Mme Bigras-
C’est grace à vous, Madame,
que j’ai decouvert la beauté
de la langue que j’adore, français.

C’est grace à vous, Madame,
que mon esprit a grandi comme petite fleur
et les racines de passion se trouvent dans ma    couer.

C’est vraiment grace à vous, Madame,
que je peut voir la monde
aux yeux de vos artistes.
Je peut lire leurs histories,
je peut écouter leurs chansons
je peut partager leurs vies.

Merci Beaucoup, Madame
pour tous
qui est grâce à vous.

Too many people
would call themselves a hero.
Too many people
have never earned the title

Too many people
shy away from recognition.
Too many people
never hear what they rightfully should.

Too many people
forget about those doing invisible work.
Too many people
I’m sure don’t even know your name.

Too many people
ignore the smile that your wear.
Too many people
miss the kindness that you share.

-Ms Durante-
The most important corner
in this most precious school
is protected by a saint.

Your phone may ring
a voice may sing
but you will keep the swing
and achieve it all.

A million little tasks
accumulate en masse.

But you willingly tackle
your job like a jackel
and still always crackle
with lovable laughter
and shine
with a shimmering smile.

-Ms McMillan-
The most important corner
in this most precious school
is protected by a saint.

Your phone may ring
a voice may sing
but you will keep the swing
and achieve it all.

A million little tasks
accumulate en masse.

But you willingly tackle
your job like a jackel
and still always crackle
with lovable laughter
and shine
with a shimmering smile.

-Ms Quackenbush-
A hero hidden behind a counter.

The glue that binds each corner of the school.

Searching for a name you always find.

Keeper of the bank, guardian of the corner         offices.

A goddess architect who plans the schemes
and helps the dreams

Director of two shows
director of my passion.
In my arms I held a dream
which you watered into a scheme.

I’d never known what acting really was
but you showed me what it does:
inspires, teacher, entertains,
removes societal stains.

From a defender of vegetables.
to a lovesick Ohio boy,
or a tough soldiers,
I’ll always remember the roles,
the countless crafted souls.

But you I’ll remember most.

Tall, dark, and random,
a woman for the record books.
One of a kind
and kinder than any one.

You’ve taught me so much.
First, about acting,
second, surrounding social conscience
next, relating to right and just
finally, pertaining to purposeful life.

You live with zest,
your tongue spreads jest,
and your mind knows best.

I am inspired by your brilliance
your compassion and your wit.
So here it is, it has been writ.
Cava Flav stay Solid, you Rock.

-Ms Hunt-
These words are my creation
but you, my inspiration.
You’ve helped extract them from my pen
and now they return to you.

From back dark corners of my mind
through dim, firelit hallways
into the sunbright foyer,
where sits a fountain of ink
in which my words revel to swim.

The words that stand attention
at the sound of your name
(honour, humour, talent, brilliance)
form a chain that binds the truth
of how wonderful you are.

-Ms Jelena-
I may be good with languages
but Math is one I’m not.
You made it less unbearable
when equations and I fought.

Your patience with distraction
was a blessing all last year.
Putting up with my inaction
when my sanity was risked.

Your sense of humour was a blast.
I always love a laugh,
so though I’m not a fan of Math
I looked forward to your class.

Thank you for your teachings
those many afternoons
not only about numbers,
but also the three slap rule.

-Ms Brown-
Grade 8 English lacked all frowns
with a rockin’ teacher named Ms. Brown.

Grade 10 Birdie was a blast
a year spent in a year gone past.

Grade 12 Grease, an honour to be in
kept in line by your unique discipline.

Collected memories of many random things
like suggesting ‘Happy Birthday’ when I didn’t    want to sing.

A personality that fills the school
a wicked mad Aussie, anything but fool.

So here’s a cheers to all the years
and more to come I hope.

-Ms Dempster-
Ms Tracy Dempster, strong and true
we would have been screwed if we hadn’t had you

The fetcher of bags and bags of props
Those fab pink swords for solid rocks

The keeper of clothes on the musical’s racks
(“Grease” too literal on shirts and slacks)

Also, of course, your dry sharp wit
Caused a few frights before I caught the swing of it

Please don’t dare change, you’re one of a kind
I hope I’ve stamped your memory as you have mine.

-Ms Waldner-
A merge of passions I fervently admire.
You cause reactions on the stage,
and choreograph chemicals, brilliant and sage.

The art of science, the science of art.
Diversity is proof of purest smarts.

Whether I was memorising chemical symbols
or leaping and diving to find my place
I could always feel the shadow of your mind
protecting me from error
unless it was the helpful kind.

I’m richer for learning all you have taught
and better and balancing body and thought.

-Ms Kluth-
An angel hidden in the back.

A kind, sweet woman, counted on.

The warmth in the room
must spread from your heart.

The brightness of the light
from your permanent smile.

The wall paper printed
with a menagerie of cats.

The promise of laughter
lurks in the shop.

Please keep your great spirit
don’t let it stop.

-Mrs Bushman-
There is no space left in my soul
for any more pride
to be graduating from your school.

It seems you’ve found your calling
a gift your mind controls
which makes you top the best.

Despite the board’s mistakes
the lack of buildings and space
this school is great and strong.

That’s thanks to people like you
people who work and toil to build it
to make it of heavenly stock.

So keep it up and stay as true
all pride in you is through and through.

-Mr Wingerak-
A great wise man
I’ve known for many years.
From the duck I don’t remember
to an Elphinstone farewell,
you’ve been present my whole journey.

You teach inside a classroom
but more so out in the world.

For you I’ve learned to think
to question even printed ink.
I am prepared to sprint through life
but know the value of a walk
and a booming, shameless laugh.

A mentor, humble, you may not even know
the gift that you posess.
But here I am to call you
the smartest one who most will ever know.

-Ms Kobabe-
I’ve searched so long for an image
to encapsulate your soul.

I’ve played around with angel,
since your brilliance soars with clouds.

I’ve compared you to a horse,
majestic and loyal, fierce and free.

I’ve seen in you a mother,
protecting a guiding to shared success.

I cannot settle just on one
you are not that easily containable,
which is what I most admire.

I’ve found a kindred spirit
and I swear to never let her go.

Day 113 Father's Day

-For Dad-
Some people say I look like you
but I so hope I act like you
I pray that I find bravery
when life is piled high with strife.

I pray that I will never cease
learning how to fight for peace
from you, the man who mastered
the art of breaking rules.

Finally I hope to hell
(and also to the heights of heaven)
that I will always be able to be
my father's son.